Quad 2- December 3, 2020


Today (December 3), you will be starting your quad 2 classes, which means you will need to get online and in touch with your teachers for the quad. If you have lost your schedule, please make sure you email Mr. Morrell and he will be able to give you a copy of your schedule. 

Over the next few weeks, it is your job to work through the assignments and material that are posted online. Dates are posted on the assignments and Google forms are included to help with online learning.  ELA A30 is a requirement to graduate! 

To work through the blog, please work through the modules in numeric order ( ie. module 1, module 2). The assignments are ordered under the heading from oldest to newest and have an assigned date. I hope this improves your ability to navigate the online learning platform. 

I will not be able to make hard copies due to the lock down and COVID policies in place as per admin instructions. 

For Quad 2- Mrs. Otke will be supporting/ instructing students through online learning from the following pods (December 3 to February 9):  

  • Pod 8 students-ELA A30/A31(MacArthur's pod)
  • Pod 10 students-ELA A30/31 (Otke's pod)
Please email me your contact information- cell phone and email address, so I can reach out to you during the online learning process. It is the best way for communication at the time. 

- If you have any questions about the course, please email me at marianne.otke@gmail.com