At the end of reading segment/ chunk you are expected to complete/ finish 1 of the 3 options underneath the thematic heading. I expect at least 1 paragraph in length, which is 5 to 7 sentences, making clear connections to Night and how you understand the different themes. Night Journal Entries/ Marking Scheme
- Possessions (pp. 3-22)
- Identity (pp. 23-46)
- Relationships (pp. 47-65)
- Freedom (pp. 66-84)
- Resistance (pp. 85-97)
- Beliefs, Values, and Challenges (pp. 98-115)
Each journal entry will be marked out of 5. Once you finish the entries for Night, please send all entries with your name clearly marked on the assignment in order to get credit for the assignment.
The entries have been divided into the different themes with an audio/ read aloud option for you. You can also submit the journal entry using a Google Doc, which can be handed in electronically from the classroom blog.