Psychological and Physical Landscapes & Natural and Constructed Landscapes

We will consider some of the following questions to develop a  deeper understanding of the course content.

  • How does Canada's physical landscapes influence Canadian's relationships and interactions with the self and each other?
  • How are the landscapes of mind and heart as important as the physical landscapes of Canada?
  • What is revealed about the psychological landscapes of Canadians in visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts?
  • How has the representation of the physical landscape changed throughout Canada's history?
  • What do the changes reveal about the
    Canadian psyche?
  • What are Canadians' attitudes to and concerns about the natural and constructed landscapes in which they live, and how do they express and act upon those attitudes and concerns?  
  • How have Canada's natural and constructed landscapes influenced Canadians?
  • How have natural and constructed landscapes deeply influenced Canadian artists, speakers, and authors, and their texts?
  • How has your region's landscape been represented in Canadian texts-visual, oral, print, and multimedia?
  • Why is it important to have one's physical-natural and constructed-landscapes represented in the texts one encounters?

ELA Goals/ Outcomes (Unit of Study): 

  • CC A30.2- Create and represent visual and multi-media presentation including using photographs to explain a range of course related perspectives or landscapes. 
  • CC A30.3-Present and express a range of ideas and information in formal discussions and collaborative situations for differing audiences and purposes. 
  • CR A30.4-Read, demonstrate comprehension of, and apply knowledge from grade appropriate information and literary texts from FNMI, Saskatchewan, and Canadian authors as a basis for understanding self and multiplicity of voices and perspectives that make up Canada. 
  • CR A30.1-View, listen to, read, and comprehend and respond to a variety of grade appropriate FNMI, Saskatchewan, and Canadian texts that address:
    • Identity 
    • Social Responsibility 
    • Social Action