My Father (Wallace) Poem and Questions - Assigned Dec 11/ 20

My Father 

by Russell Wallace

On the land where he was born

my father built his house.

Beside the roads he travelled

and under the mountains he climbed

the house stands singing

where dragonflies dwell

and bears eat crab apples.

My father always at table’s head

beside windows watching

the sun and clouds

through green fields rush by.

All the sky long

among eagles and owls

and coyote’s dreams borne on the dust

my father walks heaven’s trail on showshoes

made by his hands.

On the land where he was born

Now cut by poles, roads and rail

                                   The crab apples still grow sweet

To listen to me read the poem to you please click the link below:

My Father (poem)- read aloud/ audio- Mrs. Otke 

ELA A30 students: You are expected to complete all of the questions under each poem. You are expected to complete using full sentences and proper grammar.

ELA A31 students:  You will choose at least 2 of the questions under each poem, which you can answer best to your knowledge and understanding. You are expected to complete using full sentences and proper grammar.  

How you will be marked: Poem Analysis Marking Scheme

My Father (Wallace) Questions 

1. What is your favourite line(s) in this poem and why?

2. How does this poet view the land? How do you know?

3. What in the meaning of the last stanza? 

  1. Please use the google form to answer these questions to me with your name clearly marked on your assignment to get credit for your thoughts and ideas. My Father Ques- Google Doc
  2. Click submit once you have finished all the questions.
  3. By using the Google form it will be emailed to me directly. 
 Once you have completed your poetry questions, please clearly mark your name on your assignment and email/ Google Doc it to Mrs. Otke, so you can get credit for your ideas and thoughts