Your editorial must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your lead can be any type we’ve discussed in class, but it should be appropriate to the tone of your editorial topic. Also, the introduction must clearly state your topic and your opinion on it. The body/main part of the editorial should have some facts, evidence, and/or examples that support your opinion to prove your point. It may include direct quotes as well. The conclusion may have a summary, offer a solution, or ask more questions depending on the type of editorial you choose.
Remember to use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, complete sentences, and structure.
Once you have completed your editorial, please email me your assignment with your name clearly marked on the assignment to get credit for your ideas and learning.
I have included some samples on what editorials can look like to help guide your learning. Please use these as a learning resource tool. Sample Editorials Handout
1. *Please use the google form to answer these questions to me with your name clearly marked on your assignment to get credit for your thoughts and ideas.Editorial Assignment- Google Doc 2. Click submit once you have finished all the questions.
3. By using the Google form it will be emailed to me directly.
Once you have completed this assignment, please send it to Mrs. Otke with your name clearly marked on the assignment/ Google Doc to get credit for your ideas and learning.