- What doubts and fears do we have?
- What special challenges do doubts and fears bring to an individual?
- What are ways of overcoming doubts and fears?
- How can having doubts and fears be an advantage?
- How do people react to tragedy or loss in their lives?
- What strategies do people use to deal with tragedy and loss?
- How do people respond to or deal with despair?
- What are people's sources of strength?
- How can strength and healing arise out of tragedy and loss?
- Is it natural to feel anger and hatred sometimes? Why?
- How do we navigate and deal with those emotions (anger/ hatred)?
ELA Goals/ Outcomes (Unit of Study):
- CR B30.1-View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade appropriate, international, including indigenous, texts that address:
- Identity
- Social Responsibility
- Social Action
- CC B30.1-Create a range of visual, multi-media, oral, and written texts that explore:
- Identity
- Social Responsibility
- Social Action
- CR B30.4- Read and demonstrate comprehension of a range of contemporary and classical grade-appropriate informational and literary texts from various international, including indigenous, cultures and analyze the philosophical, and social influences that have shaped information, issues, characters, plots, and themes.
- CC B30.4-Compose and create narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive writings that include a position paper, a comparative essay, a letter of inquiry, a critique of an author's style, and a short story or essay that uses parody, satire and/ or irony.