- What is the nature of ambition and power?
- What gives a person status? Is status achieved the same way in all societies? Within a society? Why is status important?
- How do power and ambition drive us? How do they challenge us? How do individuals acquire real and perceived power? How do people enact power? How are power and privilege aligned?
- How does lack of power or imbalance in power affect individuals, groups, and societies?
- What is meant by the "common good"? Who decides what the common good is? Is the common good best for every individual in a society? How do we attend to the common good while respecting individual goals and values?
ELA Goals/ Outcomes (Unit of Study):
- CC B30.4- Compose and create narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive writings that include a position paper, a comparative essay, a letter of inquiry, a critique of an author's style, and a short story or essay that uses parody, satire, and/ or irony.
- CR B30.4-Read and demonstrate comprehension of contemporary and classical grade appropriate informational and literary texts from various international, including indigenous, cultures and analyze the philosophical, ethical, and social influences that have shaped information, issues, characters, plots, and themes.