ELA A38- Understanding Beliefs & Initiating Actions Unit

For this unit, we will be looking at Canadians and communities across Canada through the use of picture books, which creates a sense of identity within the larger Canadian content. It is through the use of picture books and the act of storytelling, I hope we can consider some of the following questions in our unit of Understanding Beliefs and Initiating Actions:
1. How can Canadians and their communities with varying and divergent beliefs act ethically, co-operatively, and respectfully?

2. How can the individual or collective beliefs of Canadians influence Canada’s actions?

3.Do Canadian citizens share collective principles that define them as Canadians?

4. How do Canadian facilitate understanding of one another’s beliefs?

ELA Goals/ Outcomes (Unit of Study):
  • CR A30.3- Listen to, comprehend, and develop coherent and plausible interpretations of grade-appropriate literary and informational texts created by FNMI, Saskatchewan, and Canadian speakers and authors from various communities. 
  • CR A30.4-Read, demonstrate comprehension of, and apply knowledge from grade-appropriate informational and literary texts from FNMI, Saskatchewan, and Canadian authors as a basis of understanding self and the multiplicity of voices and perspectives that make up Canadian culture. 
  • CC A30.4- Create a variety of informational and literary texts that are appropriate to a variety of audiences and purposes including informing, persuading, and entertaining. 
  • AR A30.1-Assess own work for precision, clarity, and artistry. 
  • AR A30.2-Reflect on personal growth and successes in language learning and consider the role and importance of language learning when developing personal goals and plans as self-directed, curious, self appraising, and open-minded learner.